Important Notice to HotMail Users
Please do not use a HotMail account when signing up for membership in Sycophant Hex! Throughout each and every day, SH receives a barrage of bounced email from HotMail. From the content of these bounced emails, we can tell that people with Hotmail addresses have attempted to sign up for SH, but Hotmail has bounced emails with the SH passwords they need to sign on. To sign up for SH, please obtain and use an email address from another free service, such as gmail ( We want you to enjoy your experience at SH, but unfortunately a Hotmail address too often prevents it. Thank you!
--CareCrystal on 14/04/07 - 02:30 pm (2 Comments)
What if you have a hotmail address and you're already a member? - Astrid
- astrid247 on 16/04/07 - 01:40 am
We still recommend getting a different email address to use from this point on, even if you've not had problems in the past. Most of the people who have recently not been getting our emails are authors who have been posting to SH for months, or even years, without issue. Every once in a while, over the last few years, Hotmail has decided it no longer likes our email system and bounces everything back to us. It doesn't do it every time, but it does it often enough that we get literally dozens of emails bounced back a week--and in a case of someone being asked for corrections, that can cause delays in their stories being posted, which is something none of us want. :D
- JackieJLH on 18/04/07 - 08:16 pm