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Reviewer: Miss Signed star star star star star [Report This]
Date: 05/02/06 - 08:36 am Title: Smooth Talker

They let him stay because of Severus, how cute. Oh god I hope they don't argue about it too long, they both want each other, it is obvious. I'm glad you are picking this story up again. I reread only last night, and now this morning I find the next chapter. It makes for a good weekend.

Author's Response: Lol, i promise I won't let them argue too awfully long. They've had enough of a rough time. Thanks for reading and thanks for the kind review! :)

Reviewer: Good_Witch Signed star star star star star [Report This]
Date: 13/01/06 - 12:21 am Title: Bickering

Oh, do please write more. A friend reminded me of this just now, and how much she was wishing for an update. So, I jogged my own memory, and I agree utterly! Please? With Severus on top? Or should that be Ron? LOL!!! Come back, Pook, we miss you! :)

Author's Response: How sweet you are! I'm still alive, and miracle of miracles I managed to write a whole chapter of this fic last night! It's the first thing I've been able to write in about 6 months and I was so relieved to be able to write again! It's off to my lovely beta, and hopefully you won't have to wait too long before I write more! Thanks, sweetie! :)

Reviewer: SlytherAway Signed star star star star half star [Report This]
Date: 30/11/05 - 01:46 pm Title: Bickering

Yummy deliciousness!

Author's Response: Thank you! :)

Reviewer: kat Signed star star star star star [Report This]
Date: 31/10/05 - 11:46 am Title: Bickering

(Sigh...) Still waiting for an update...Any hope for the future?? Please?? Love how you kept them in character...I love "snarky bastard" Snape. I also enjoyed the "girl talk" with Ron and Hermione...I have had a few of those myself. In fact, I once had a gay friend tell me that my boyfriend (now husband) had a great ass. Good to know that an "expert" on the subject agreed with me. Also, Master Biggerstaff's Better Boffing Ointment?? Too funny! Wonder what Oliver Wood would think of that??

Author's Response: *giggle* That ointment name made me giggle as well. Glad you liked it! Lol, glad to know that I'm not the only girl around who has "girl talk" with the gay boys! sorry about the whole writer's block thing, but I actually wrote the next chapter last night so the wait will soon be over! Thanks for the sweet review! :)

Reviewer: Samson28 Signed star star star star star [Report This]
Date: 25/09/05 - 02:10 pm Title: Bickering

Oh wonderful healing fun so far. Love the pairing and the interaction between the two of them. Looking forward to more. :o]

Author's Response: Thank you so much! I haven't managed to write a word lately, but I'm hoping to get back to it soon. This story has been big fun to write! Thanks! :)

Reviewer: Cyranothe2nd Signed star star star star star [Report This]
Date: 09/09/05 - 09:46 pm Title: Bickering

REOW! Can't wait for the next chappie :D

Author's Response: Thanks! I hope you continue to enjoy it! :)

Reviewer: daylightdancer Signed star star star star star [Report This]
Date: 08/09/05 - 10:35 pm Title: Bickering

Oh la la, cant wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response: Thanks! Hopefully I'll get working on it soon. :)

Reviewer: Subversa Signed star star star star star [Report This]
Date: 08/09/05 - 10:17 am Title: Bickering

Woo-hoo! NOW. Love that demanding Severus. Gosh, now you've got me worrying about poor Harry -- are we going to see him get happy before this story is over? I was SO excited to see an update of this story. I hope your Muse is kind -- your fans want more...if it is quite convenient, of course.

Author's Response: *giggle* The few. The proud. The Ron/Severus fans. *snicker* Yes, Harry's a bit of a mess, but I expect thet time and Hermione will eventually get him sorted. However, I don't think this fic will go on long enough for Harry to fix his plethora of hang ups. It's pretty much all about Ron and Severus, and they just don't see Harry that much. I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter! Yes, Severus is going to get a bit demanding. Poor Ron. ;) But we couldn't keep the snarky bastard an invalid forever! I expect my updates will be a bit slow, but I'll finish it, I promise! Thanks! :)

Reviewer: lily girl Signed star star star star star [Report This]
Date: 08/09/05 - 06:38 am Title: Bickering

I loved their respective reactions to the news. And I'll love probably even more what's about to come. :-)))))))))))))))

Author's Response: I hope so! It'll be my first time doing the slashy full monty! Thanks, Lily! :)

Reviewer: Gannet Signed star star star star star [Report This]
Date: 07/09/05 - 06:08 am Title: Bickering

Thank you for the update! I especially loved the "girl talk" between Ron and Hermione.

Author's Response: Thanks for the review! I'm glad you liked the 'girl talk'. I've had so many of those conversations myself, that I couldn't resist putting one in! Thanks! :)

Reviewer: Subversa Signed star star star star star [Report This]
Date: 04/09/05 - 10:19 am Title: Explanations

Good boy! He's owning his new boyfriend to Harry and Hermione, which takes some guts. Lovely fic this is, doll. I will enjoy following it to its eventual conclusion.

Author's Response: How sweet! You know, nobody much recomends my fics, which makes me think that they're all a bit crap sometimes. Lol, but I know I shouldn't take it so personally, there are so many truly talented authors out there that I shouldn't reallt expect much attention! At least, I like that thought better than thinking my fics are all crap! Chapter 7 should be along before to long, and I am hoping it will finish up around chapter 10. Thanks for reading, and thanks for all the kind reviews! :)

Reviewer: Subversa Signed star star star star star [Report This]
Date: 04/09/05 - 10:09 am Title: Telling Secrets

Bloody brilliant how Severus stands up to Minerva and tells her to mind her own business! And it's adorable how they both want the lay claim to the other, and both admit it's not a fling. Sweet slash smut. =)

Author's Response: I think what I like best about reading or writing slash, is that there is so much uncertainty to overcome. So that when the pairing does get together it is such a relief! That's what I was going for, at any rate, and you make me think I may have managed it! Thanks! :)

Reviewer: Subversa Signed star star star star star [Report This]
Date: 04/09/05 - 10:00 am Title: Rough Talk

Oh, my word, bathtub sex! It simply boggles the mind. And do you know what I ADORE? When Ron calls Severus "Love."

Author's Response: I think that's the first bathtub sex I ever tried to write. Oh, I've done the odd shower scene, but this is my first bath. I'm branching out in my smut writing; good for me! *giggle* I couldn't resist the whole 'love' thing. Ron first says it when Severus has had a nightmare, and I don't think Ron even realizes he said it, but it quickly becomes a habit. Glad you didn't think that was too much! Thanks! :)

Reviewer: Subversa Signed star star star star star [Report This]
Date: 04/09/05 - 09:50 am Title: Calling Out

Okay, gods help me, that was hot. HOT. And sweet. hmmmm. Can't quite imagine what it's going to be like when Harry and Hermione find out. =)

Author's Response: Yay! You liked it! I just wrote the first draft of chapter 7, in which Harry and Hermione find out. ;) I had a good time writing it, you'll have to let me know what you think when you get there. Thanks for the kind reviews! They mean a lot to me! :)

Reviewer: Subversa Signed star star star star star [Report This]
Date: 04/09/05 - 09:38 am Title: Idle Chatter

oh ho! I am in stitches over Ron's jealousy of Minerva McGonagall. When Hermione blats out "the boyfriend front" and Severus chokes on his tea I laughed out loud. Okay, I figured you'd convince me; let's see how this plays out.

Author's Response: I couldn't resist the tea moment, it made me giggle too! Glad you are still having a good time reading it! Thanks! :)

Reviewer: Subversa Signed star star star star star [Report This]
Date: 04/09/05 - 09:30 am Title: Broken Silence

I can see Ron, in his kindness, reaching out to a fellow-human being -- a comrade-in-arms -- but I can't quite yet make the leap to them being lovers. I trust you though, Pook; you've never led me wrong yet.

Author's Response: Lol! Well, I don't know if I managed it believably or not! You'll have to tell me when we get there! Thanks! :)

Reviewer: FyrSongBird Signed star star star star star [Report This]
Date: 01/09/05 - 02:43 am Title: Explanations

Ron handled Harry and Hermione very well. Great job on this. FSB

Author's Response: We should have some more fun with Harry and Hermione soon! ;) Thanks for reading! :)

Reviewer: FyrSongBird Signed star star star star star [Report This]
Date: 01/09/05 - 02:07 am Title: Calling Out

Excellent! FSB

Author's Response: Thank you! :)

Reviewer: FyrSongBird Signed star star star star star [Report This]
Date: 01/09/05 - 01:42 am Title: Broken Silence

I confess that I am a D/H slasher and rarely read others anymore. This can be a bad thing I see now because I really enjoyed this. You wrote . . . **Ron turned his head to find Snape glaring at him,** this was great. I laughed in a very good and natural way. **“Good morning, sunshine!” Ron said cheerily.** Cheeky Ron is always fun. Then of course, **“Get out of my bed,” Snape snarled in lieu of morning greetings.** I do so adore a snarky Sev. - Glad to see he is on the mend. Enjoyed this chap and will continue to read. FSB

Author's Response: Thank you so much! I mostly read SS/HG and SS/HP myself, but I've been trying to explore some new pairings. I'm glad you got a kick out of this one! Thanks! :)

Reviewer: lily girl Signed star star star star star [Report This]
Date: 26/08/05 - 04:34 am Title: Explanations

You were right, I liked it! I feel sorry for poor Harry and Hermione! ;-)

Author's Response: I'm glad you did! Lol, we should have some fun with Hermione and Harry next chapter, if I could just get the blasted thing written! Thanks! :)

Reviewer: persimmon Signed star star star star star [Report This]
Date: 26/08/05 - 12:21 am Title: Explanations

awww they are too cute!

Author's Response: Thank you! :)

Reviewer: lily girl Signed star star star star star [Report This]
Date: 24/08/05 - 09:00 am Title: Telling Secrets

Non-smut, of course. If I knew how to italicize the certain part we wouldn't be having this problem... :-)

Author's Response: Well then, you should like the next chapter. It's not entirely smut-free, of course, but it gets a bit into their heads. :)

Reviewer: lily girl Signed star star star star star [Report This]
Date: 23/08/05 - 04:01 pm Title: Telling Secrets

I love Minerva in this one and of course all aspects of their relationship. As much as like certain parts, will we see the other side of their relationship more? It would be well if you're aiming for a longer story.

Author's Response: Lol, which side do you want to see more of? Smut, or non-smut? I'm trying to keep a bit of a balance between the two, though it seems to sway one way or the other depending on the chapter. I'm not sure how long this will end up being, I originally thought it would be 5-6 chapters. My best guess at the moment is it's going to be 10-12. I will eventually get them out of St. Mungo's and give folks a peek at what their life will be like. Thanks for leaving me such kind reviews! :)

Reviewer: lily girl Signed star star star star star [Report This]
Date: 22/08/05 - 11:21 am Title: Rough Talk

I'm very interested to see Minerva's reaction! I'm starting to like Sneasley as much as I love Snupin! Good job!

Author's Response: Woot! I shall convert the world to "Sneasley!" Not that Snupin isn't absolutely delicious as well. Thanks! :)

Reviewer: Cyranothe2nd Signed star star star star star [Report This]
Date: 22/08/05 - 01:37 am Title: Rough Talk

Uh-oh. Mommy's home, we're in *wicked* trouble now.... And thanks ever so for getting the following into my head: "You're the cutest of the Scoobies With your lips as red as rubies And your firm yet supple....tight embrace!"

Author's Response: *snicker* I often tell my fiance that he's the cutest of the Scoobies. Of course, we tell the pets that as well! Since you are a "Scooby" fan, (And wasn't that a hysterical and clever episode!) I hope you've checked out the crossover fic I started on my LJ. (Hint Hint, it's called Watching Severus) You can find it here, if you want to take a peek: (Necessary disclaimer: please note that my LJ site is in no way affiliated with SH, etc.) Thanks for the review! :)

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