Lou [Contact]
Real name: Lou
Member Since: 07/03/05
Membership Status: Member

I am in love with Harry Potter Slash. The whole concept of gay wizards is So diabolically British it's sexy. My hardcore ship is Remus/Sirius, this paring seems to canon it hurts. (Though I have been known to read Snape/Remus from time to time) I tend to flip-flop around when it comes to other Canon Characters. I enjoy Harry with Draco or with any Weasley Boy, though not the twins. I believe the Twins should be strictly incestial. XP I think any pairing could be seen as logical if written well, and despise poorly writen works. I've read a good Draco/Neville once or twice in my life. Anyhow, I'm slaving over one fic currently, and well eventually get around to posting on it. I have a few humorous shorts that I believe will be up soon as well.

I do enjoy beta'ing, and can be contacted through AIM, Hotmail and MSNM.

AIM: mylostinnocencex
Email: FatalFallFromGrace@hotmail.com
(used for both Email and MSNM)

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